What makes a good planner?

Some copywriters and art directors I know would say that question is a contradiction in terms. It’s like asking them, what makes a nice serial killer? For them, planners are people who mess up the creative process and prevent us from producing outstanding work. I don’t buy that view, at least not entirely. As a […]

New work for Thatchers Cider

Here’s one of the new ads my creative partner Jeff Suthons and I have created for our cider client’s Green Goblin brand. The ads will be running in national magazines this August. It’s a pleasure to work with Thatchers, a family-owned Somerset cider maker.

Invisible copy, Mexican style

This Hot Wheels poster, by Ogilvy Mexico, won a Silver Lion at the 2010 Cannes Advertising Festival. Isn’t it terrible? I mean, where’s the headline? And just look at all that printed space without any copy whatsoever. What was the copywriter doing? I’m kidding – I think this poster’s great. But I can recall a […]