Is this the future of advertising?

Help me. I don’t know what to make of the video above. Campaign magazine chose it as their ad of the week. Is it an ad? Or is it a music video with product placement? And is it any good? Supposedly, it’s for Converse shoes. But the sell is so soft, the idea so recessive, […]

Good old-fashioned DM: hand-written

Do you know the Canadian store department chain called The Bay? It’s part of The Hudson Bay Company, one of the oldest commercial corporations in the world, with a pretty impressive history – they used to be the de facto government in large parts of North America in fur-trading times. The last time I was […]

How’s your conversation with customers?

Phew! What a busy few weeks I’ve had. I’ve been typing my way out from under a mountain of briefs. The work is what marketing people call CRM. And what we copywriters call letter writing. The direct marketing specialists say that such work involves skills distinct from those of advertising. And I agree, up to […]